Scam Bouquet

Calling this one a whole “bouquet” of scams is not far-fetched at all. The two URLs mentioned in the title ( and are obviously both owned by scammers, and they have both been used for a number of different scams.

Depending on your “luck”/geographic location maybe (?), they redirect to different sites, which all try to collect your personal data, while delivering generous promises of too-good-to-be-true riches.

The scams run through this genuine scam-hub take up a mind-boggling range of shapes and sizes.

What’s more or less the same about them though is the fact that they are rather easy to identify as scams, even at first glance.

This “operation” is obviously aimed at the most gullible of the internet, and it looks to achieve its goals by volume and not by quality. /

The domain which is heavily promoted at the moment (June 26, 2018) by the perpetrator of this scam appears to be, which redirects to a landing page on the domain

Amazon Cash Websites (

One of its more pure forms (available here: is one posing as an Amazon work-from-home program.

This scam uses long-winded and rather expertly written copy to convince you to get on board an Amazon program, which will enable you to earn hundreds of dollars a day from your home, by essentially doing nothing.

The copy makes every efforts to sell the deal as one peddled by Amazon.

The company itself is hyped, and even a picture of Jeff Bezos is used to convince users that this is indeed the real deal.

The fine-print at the bottom of the page (made out to be as difficult to read as possible) then essentially gives away the whole scam.

It states that the above content is nothing more than an advertorial, set up to receive payment for the clicks dropped by suckers visitors.

It also says the offer has nothing to do with Amazon itself, completely deflating its own hype that is pushed full-force a couple of paragraphs above.

The page nets visitors in dubious ways too.

Potential victims are actively lured to the site, in the hopes that they will give up their personal details for the scammers.

Abusively obtained phone numbers have been used to send people messages, inviting them to the site.

Those looking for jobs are especially targeted by the perpetrators of the above described scam-variety.

Another scam run through the same URLs is a “money sucking website” scheme, which is so basic and barebones, that it is downright ridiculous.

Then again, the objective of the scam is to grab your name and email address, so its perpetrators figured they didn’t need much finesse to convince victims to give up that information.

You can find the page here:

The centerpiece of this effort is a ridiculous YouTube video (which – you’ve guessed it – is blocked for comments and rating and excluded from search), that may as well be a blueprint on how not to run such a data-sucking scam.

Take Surveys for Cash

The third type of scam perpetrated through, that we are currently aware of is a cash-for-surveys setup, which also makes lofty promises of $500 paid for a single survey, and which is also after the same thing: your name and valid email address.

Like the other two scams discussed above, this one too is a bit rough around the edges, but since no immediate payments are involved on the part of the victim, this too may suffice in what it is trying to accomplish.

This scam runs on a URL to which AmazonDataJobs redirects too:

The bottom line

DO NOT FALL FOR any of the above discussed sophomoric pitches.

These are all directed towards inexperienced and gullible users, perhaps people with impaired vision (who will find it impossible to read their tricky fine-print).

No one, and we repeat: NO ONE, will ever give you $500 per day for “doing absolutely nothing and knowing absolutely nothing” as one of their promotional videos stresses.


  1. 69hitit

    Hering all the information about scam finance, but, what about how to or how does one collect there monies back from these scamming money scavengers?
    Can someone give me information on how to go about trying to collect my funes back.

  2. RB

    I have a resumai online every once in a while through email and voice mail I received phone call for working online, but always I step Back and I want to find out how much about what they say it’s true, too much scam out their that I am not sure the legitimate one is exist or not, few days ago I receive a voice mail about working on Amazon online with a picture of Jeff Bezos on the website I am like I am not so sure let me check out. the web site is So check out this site and let me know if it’s scam or not.

  3. Nooroa Makirere

    I am a Follower of the Prophet Bahaullah who taught us that LOVE is the most powerful WORD.

    When mandkind learns to LOVE, Everlasting PEACE, the whole world will be a better
    place to live.

    • Nikki Mauch

      Ive been taken 3 times on this work from home scam. How do i get my money back? I shouldve known better, too good too be true. Im such an idiot sometimes.

  4. Nooroa Makirere

    Hello Folks,
    I have just finished viewing these helpful infos regarding scammers. I cannot believe this is actually going on. It is so, so sad when there are people who do things such as “What I have just read from emails deposited in my Inbox…” So very SAD, I am from the Pacific and we were taught to help others that needs it, Not Destroy, we are on Internet, on Planet Earth! HELP NOT DESTROY!!

  5. jay somaratne


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