Fast 5K Loans Review

Fast 5K Loans ( is an online platform that provides loan matching services for consumers looking to receive a quick loan.

Available only to U.S. citizens, Fast 5K Loans specializes as an online network dedicated to connecting consumers looking acquire short-term loans with approved lenders for up to $35,000.

Accepting consumers of all credit types while implementing competitive APRs amongst other lending connection services, Fast 5K Loans has been steadily growing in popularity since late 2015 and appears to most consumers to function as a seemingly legitimate operation.

For those of you who wish to continue gathering more insight into the Fast 5K Loans operation, we encourage you to continue reading our honest review. What we found regarding this loan matching service may surprise you and prompt you to pursue other suitable solutions as a result.

About Fast 5K Loans was incepted on November 16th, 2015 and functions solely as a loan connection service and should not be construed as a lending agent, brokerage or direct lender.

Available to most US consumers despite credit history, prospective borrowers can request for a payday loan that ranges between $500 to $35,000.

While Fast 5K Loans does not exhibit any particular signs of interest for what requested personal loans may be used for, it should be noted that the obtainment of payday loans should only be used as a last resort.

Prospective borrowers who are interested in obtaining a personal loan online are able to use the Fast 5K Loans platform as a way to submit their application to a network of lenders opposed to just one lender at a time.

Not only does this save the consumer time down the road but also enables the consumer to save more as well by enabling them to receive more competitive loan offers should their application request be accepted.

Who is Behind Fast 5K Loans?

According to the Terms and Conditions, appears to operate as their sole entity and is not currently owned or operated by a corporate entity.

While a WHOIS domain report will reveal that Fast 5K Loans was privately registered through NameCheap Inc, we did find reference of Fast 5K Loans designated agent which would be DV Marketing, Inc.

Headquartered from 759 Bloomfield Ave. #244, West Caldwell, NJ 07006, this entity can be visited at their address or contacted at or at (855) 899-1635.

Fast 5K Loans Offer

As long as you meet the eligibility requirements disclosed below, you are eligible to apply for a quick personal loan through the Fast 5K Loans loan matching platform.

While no reference in regards to other loan criteria such as debt-to-income ratio, credit score or minimum income requirements is disclosed, Fast 5K Loans appears to function as a pretty versatile loan connection service.

Supporting loan matching service APRs that range between 5.99% to 35.99%, Fast 5K Loans fees are competitive with other credible loan oriented platforms.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Currently employed or receive steady income
  • Have a valid bank account to receive funds, if approved

The loan process offered through Fast 5K Loans takes no more than a few minutes to complete and allows consumers to receive answers with a couple of minutes. If an applicant has been approved by one of Fast 5K Loans supported lenders, then they will receive their loan offers where they can review them and either accept or reject the offers.

If the consumer elects to accept the loan offer provided, they are able to complete the loan process by electronically signing the loan through their approved lender where after it is all said and done, will have their loan funds sent out as soon as the next business day. For applicants who fail to have their loan request approved, they will be redirected to other loan purveying alternatives that may accept their loan request.

Fast 5K Loans Spec Report

  • Registered on November 11th, 2015
  • Operates as a U.S. loan matching service
  • Reflects APRs between 200% to 1,300%
  • Available to U.S. consumers despite credit history
  • Loan term lengths vary between 1 month to 2 years
  • Their site supported over 1 million visitors last month
  • Allows consumers to apply for loans between $500 to $35,000
  • Can be reached at or at (855) 899-1635
  • DV Marketing, Inc is their designated agent based out of New Jersey

Popularity possessed a SimilarWeb global rank of 61,975 with a US rank of 11,238 as of February 2nd, 2018. Supporting over 1.27 million visitors last month, approximately 98.43% of the sites visitor traffic originated from users who resided within the United States. In addition, over 55% of the sites traffic was referral based, while over 6% derived from email based sources.

Can Fast 5K Loans be Trusted?

Fast 5K Loans is a widely used platform amongst U.S. consumers that appears to function as a relatively transparent and credible loan matching network.

While usually we would weigh in the fact Fast 5K Loans corporate transparency adds credibility to their operation, consumer feedback portrays a much different story.

In the past it appeared that Fast 5K Loans was a loan matching network worthy of consumer servicing, however, it appears a lapse in operational integrity may have jeopardized the legitimacy of this operation.

Urgent: Community Feedback (Updated September 20th, 2018)

Due to a wide outbreak of negative consumer reviews regarding Fast 5K Loans we feel that there are much better alternatives available for consumers.

The APRs charged by their network of lenders is nothing short of theft while any search of “Fast 5K Loans scam,” into a search engine generates all the evidence one could need.

Our advise would be to depend upon other loan matching networks in order to secure more competitive loan offers. Review Conclusion

While Fast 5K Loans fails to divulge much information pertaining to their accepted loan criteria, they appear to accept consumers of all credit types and don’t support lenders who enforce outrageous APRs between 200% to 1,300% like we’ve encountered time to time.

Do you have any insight, feedback or questions to share regarding Fast 5K Loans? Please leave comment below for other members of our growing community to learn and take advantage of!


  1. Donald Thomas

    This company is a blatant thief! Scumbag rip-offs. If you do “ANY” business with them you a “DESPERATE FOOL” !!!

  2. Irene

    No I thinnK scamfinance is a scam too! Both 5k fast loans and Cash Usa are a joke ! They call and send you several messages saying you have been approved to apply AND saying you have been approved yet you are redirected to fill out the form again. It’s stupid if they have your phone number and this form is already somewhat pre-filled then they should know that you’re not getting approved therefore not send you Texas that you are eligible to reapply and also messages saying that you’ve been approved when you’re not and it happens over and over and over again I’ve been going through this for over six months so when scam finance says that these sites are approved I know longer trust your website

  3. Catherine reed

    how fast do you get the money

  4. richard morales

    i got message just now how do iget my loan igive you my bank and evrythin dose it go to my bank or what 4053578991 oklahoma city

  5. Kenny Jackson

    How much a week or month do you pay back on a 5000 dollar loan

  6. Krystal Branch

    Got a text message saying that credit pending really! Click on web site filled info and it sent me to several web sites. No credit PENDING. What a SCAM!!!!!

  7. gilbert orellana

    hi i apply for a loan to fast 5k loans but, after i finish the hole process they send me to speedy cash, and speedy cash they want me to start everything again, now am worry about my information that i send to fast 5k loans and looks like your company is sharing my information to other lenders with out my consent.

  8. Richard W Absher

    I got quoted 399% interest

  9. Joseph J Fobia

    it would have been nice to have talked to someone from fast5kloans, instead of getting hung up on after they took all my info.

  10. Robert

    This review is a complete lie, The email contact will bounce back and does not exist. They will spam you from several phone numbers. The quit option is misleading and does not work anyway. Poor review, bad advice.

    • Irene

      Funny they have not posted my comment
      Yes this review is a lie !
      Smamfinance is also a scam

      • Irene

        Oh they did post it !
        ReAd if

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