Noom Review – Outlook for 2019

Noom, hosted at, delivers 16-week courses that are tailored towards a consumers make up and weight loss goals.

According to, Noom was developed by various nutritionists, medical physicians, health coaches along with exercises specialists.

While Noom has disclosed that over the past 10 years that they have helped aid more than 45 million individuals, the community feedback surrounding Noom does shed some disturbing discoveries.

To find out more about what others users are saying about Noom along with the outlook of Noom for 2019, we invite you to read our impartial review.

About Noom

The mission statement shared at Noom states that, “Our mission is to create products that help people live healthier lives.”

By creating an account with Noom, you’ll supposedly be on your way to living a more healthy lifestyle.

Some quick statistics regarding Noom would be as followed:

  • 84% of users successfully complete the program
  • 64% lose 5% or more body fat
  • 60% of users maintain the weight loss for one year or more
  • 83% of diabetic users have better control over their glucose levels
  • 73% of diabetic users say a reduction in the risk of diabetes

According to many Noom users, Noom provides thorough information regarding nutrition, weight loss tips along with intuitive tracking tools to help users stay on point.

Noom is not just a web-based platform, but more specifically a mobile application that is available in the Google PlayStore for Android devices or the AppStore for iOS devices.

Getting Started with Noom

Among the information you’ll be asked to provide would be your ideal target weight, your current height and weight, approximate age range along with gender.

From there you’ll be asked to describe what kind of lifestyle you have by indicating whether your diet and activity need a lot of work, indicating that you have some healthy habits or if you mostly eat well and stay active.

Next, you’ll be asked to describe what your typical lunch is comprised of.

Which ranges from, “I tend to eat sandwiches and/or wraps, I tend to eat soups and salads, or other.”

Moving forward you’ll be asked to indicate how often you eat throughout the day, whether you have any significant back issues or if you are at risk for any of the following:

  • Heart Disease or Stroke
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Kidney Disease
  • Depression
  • Other
  • None

Getting towards the tail end of the registration process, Noom applicants will be asked whether they have been diagnosed with or have received treatment for diabetes or if they have taken any antibiotic medication in the last 2 years.

After that portion has been completed the last part of the survey asks users what type of setting they live in, such as big city, country or suburbs.

You’ll then be asked to provide your email address to receive your survey results where you’ll receive a customized plan to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

To finalize the process, Noom applicants must confirm that they are able to dedicate no less than 10 minutes each day to Noom and surpassing your fitness goals.

Once completed you’ll have access to the following:

  • 24/7 personal/group support
  • Access to their mobile application for iOS and Android devices
  • Complete plan to become better educated regarding bad habits to avoid
  • Uncapped access to health professionals who can help you stay on track

Programs Available at Noom

Noom supports two 16-week programs which would be Healthy Weight and Diabetes prevention.

Each of these programs are broken down into the following 3 stages:


In this stage you will learn about the fundamentals of living a healthy lifestyle.

Among the main subjects of discussion would be proper nutrition, the advantages of physical activity, the importance of sleep and how to better manage stress.

Employment of Skills

From there you’ll take the information you gathered in the first stage and implement them in your lifestyle.

The aim of this stage would be to cultivate better habits, how to surpass plateaus, positively altering your perception while living an overall more enjoyable and healthy life.

Controlling Impulses and Habits

The last stage of Noom’s programs are constructed with the intention of Noom users having the ability to create their own long-term plans, how to stay driven to meet their goals and how to overcome obstacles that are sure to pop-up along the way.

Noom Pricing

First time Noom applicants are eligible to receive a free 14-day trial but only after they have selected one of the following plans:

  • Monthly for $59/month
  • 2-Month for $49.50/month
  • 4-Month for $32.25/month

As soon as your trial has ended you should expect your payment method to be charge immediately and will automatically renew upon cancellation.

Add ons that could be considered would be a a work out plan tailored toward to goals which is $49, a meal plan for $79 or both for $79.

In order to get in contact with Noom, you are encouraged to call (800) 910-7375 or email

In addition, there is a contact submission form featured at Noom that can be used for less immediate inquiries.

Noom Reviews

Noom reflects pretty good community feedback at TrustPilot, reflecting a 4 out of 5 star rating out of 2,063 reviews.

“Program is excellent…I’d recommend you give it a try.”

“The regular doses of bite size information is really helpful. It’s helping to make the info stick.”

Whereas past Noom user reviews shared at HighYa depict a different story by reflecting a 2 out of 5 star rating out of 113 consumer reviews.

“They will lure you into a 14-day trial and then charge you a non-refundable $129 for four months even if you didn’t use the app past two days.
If you want to cancel during the 14-day trial, they don’t have any easy option except getting in touch with support.”
“I was going to sign up for trial. I wasn’t even sure it went through. One morning I awake to a $129 charge on my credit card. I never used Noon, and I downloaded the app to cancel only…When asked for a refund, I was refused. You have to cancel before the trial ends. I didn’t know it began! I am out $129 for nothing right before the holidays.”

According to the Better Business Bureau, Noom, Inc. reflects a 1.5 out of 5 star rating out of 77 customer reviews while their platform has accrued 310 complaints over the past few years.

Among the chief complaint would be billing and collection issues which we imagine have to do with consumers being illicitly charged after already cancelling their free trial membership.

Noom Popularity

According to SimilarWeb, reflects a global rank of 30,238 with a US rank of 7,559 as of December 20th, 2018.

Detailed in the report would be how Noom is ranked 2nd as the most popular weight loss domain while the site supported a little over 1.5 million visitors last month.

Approximately 71.54% of the sites traffic is comprised of US-based visitors while 27.70% of all the sites incoming traffic is derived from social media outlets such as Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube.

Can Noom Help You Lose Weight?

We believe that if you truly stick to the plans tailored by Noom and employ better lifestyle habits that you can lose weight while using Noom.

Noom Review Conclusion

Noom reflects a great deal of controversial consumer feedback which is why we are urging consumers to only utilize Noom at their own risk.

While some review portals reflect great user experiences and members hitting their goals, there is also a significant volume of negative consumer experiences to navigate through.

According to the Google PlayStore, Noom reflects a 4.2 out of 5 star rating out of 170,705 reviews and has over 10 million downloads to date.

While we feel that Noom can help you reach your weight loss goals, we also must warn consumers about possible charges that may occur to your payment method, EVEN if you have already canceled your free trial.

With this in mind we are going to bring this review to a close but if you have any experiences, insight or feedback to share we ask you share them below!

Outcome: Noom should be pursued at your OWN risk!


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  1. dawn wirts

    it said free on play store but when you get done it asks for money for trial and then the $129 for 6 months. I dont think so. its not free you pay.

  2. kc

    I had done their survey up to the point of starting the free trial, but stopped when I saw you have to give your credit card information before even seeing their plan. Other sites such as Weight Watchers are much more upfront about what is actually on their food plan. Seeing the difficulties with cancelling the plan I’m glad I didn’t sign up.

  3. Todd

    From the comments I have read here, I have made up my mind NOT to try this program. Obviously the easiest way to not let a company scam you is to not give them your credit card number to begin with. But I get it. I really do. I too have bought weight loss products sold on TV.

    When you are overweight, and not necessarily obese, things do start getting difficult. But when you are suffering with severe medical issues, like my diabetes and TWO 6 way heart by-pass’s (After the first one, I got septic and it ruined all the graphs they did on my heart. So a week later I got to have it all done again. I spent 5 months in the hospital then.) The doctor told me an hour before the procedure that he was optimistic because my chances of getting off the table were about 40%, but he would do his best. The next morning he came to my room and told me everything about the surgery. He told me I died twice on the table. The second time he did open heart massage for 7 minutes and waited to see if my heart would start beating, which it did after a very long 46 seconds. He said if it didn’t, he was going to call it. I was 46 years old at the time. And I have been struggling for the past 3 years and it is so difficult now walking with a cane. (Mainly because of all the veins he had to harvest out of my leg. He had to get one that would be in damn near perfect condition. He believed he may have nicked a tendon near my knee. I have lost almost half of the function in that knee. Friends have told me, “screw that, sue him.” But how could I ever do that to a man that saved my life 3 times in 2 weeks? Besides, although optimistic, my doctor did not expect me to survive the surgery. I signed a will the day prior.

    I am putting all this out there for all the world to see because there are those who are struggling and dealing with difficulties a lot worse than mine. And speaking only for me, and being honest, I have been pretty desperate. So I know for a fact others do too. Look, I truly believe that there are some people who have lost weight taking their product. I just don’t know how well or how much influence they had in their client’s weight loss. But I also believe that the truth is, not much.

    I think their weight loss happened because they put together a structured routine, made a plan and stuck with it. All things you can do by yourself without Noom and a gym as simple as the YMCA.

    So, am I jealous of them? No, of coarse not. I am happy for them. They did it. They broke the ” stuck in their life issue ” and not doing what I want because I’m fat.

    This could be simple things like climbing a flight of stairs or depression issues like not going to the beach in the summer because they don’t want to take off their shirt. I think that is so horrible. But society has shunned those overweight people and turned them into the culprit, and therefore “it’s their own damn fault”. Although I am very thick skinned amd I take just about anything. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when I hear it. Like when we see an overweight person in the motorized carts, we automatically think, ” Well if you lost the weight you wouldn’t need that cart” We have no clue why they are in the cart. The sad part is that I have seen folks go up to someone in the cart just to tell them that. (That was great actually, because the manager heard it, called police and trespassed him from the store. Barring him from the property.) He put his customer over profit that day . He apologized for the other customer’s behavior and gave her a $25 Walmart gift card. He won the support of a lot of people that day.) On a side note, my younger fractured an ankle about 9 months ago and he used a cart because there was no way he could use his crutches and shop. He said that he could not believe all the negative things that were obviously about him. Not, he’s not overweight. He’s in pretty god shape. But that didn’t stop people from talking negatively about him. Stuff he says he never hear before for whatever reason. But now that he has ridden in that cart exactly 1 time. He never used it again. He said when he got home he just grew angry at it all, as well it also hurt. Although he would not mention that, Try it sometime. Use one of those carts one day. See for yourself what goes on.

    So I guess what I am saying is, instead of buying TV products from hour long infomercials at four in the morning or between daytime soaps , and start going to your PCP and asking for help. First, your doctor most likely knows resources that will help you and get you medications that actually work. But you have to be uncomfortably open with your doctor. So if you haven’t been checking your sugar, be honest and say just that. Doctors prescribe medications based almost solely on what you tell them. If you are dishonest and make something up, or just flat out lie and say nothing, the only one it will hurt is YOU. Get over being embarrassed in front of your doctor as well. You don’t have anything special, he isn’t sending video direct to the net with you sitting on the table in your gown So get over it alre ady. And if you are 50 or older guys, it’s time to got in for an oil change and yearly maintenance All married guys tell me they would do absolutely anything for their spouse. So, do you want them to hurt and be lonely? Do you want them to struggle with the bills that sometimes we all get, and try to figure out how to pay that $95.00 bill with only $60? And is 8 days to payday? Of coarse the answer is always no. Ok. Then call your doctor to set up that colonoscopy. Because if you don’t take care of you, you aren’t taking care of her. We call that a clue.

    • Neko1011

      Find Michelle McDaniel. On YouTube she’s ‘My Thoughts Will Offend YoU’ she has a program that is cost efficient and super effective. And she takes ito account ppl’s conditions. 🙂

  4. Peggy E

    Unless you have money to just throw away, don’t have any dealings with this scam. What they offer is something you can do on your own for free. They will charge you for a subscription for several months and give you absolutely no way to get a refund or cancel. The “support” page will tell you to contact your “coach” to cancel, but they will never address the situation.

  5. Lisa

    This is truly a terrible, terrible, terrible company and a worse App – read the BBB Reviews on this company – you shouldn’t trust them for a second. In my experience, they will charge your account for the entire year’s amount (upwards of $150) DAYS before the trial period comes to an end. And because there are NO refunds, they will not refund your money.

    I was smart enough and I cancelled the auto-payment agreement between my Papal Account and Noom because I don’t trust any App that does the Auto-Renewal. I was shocked when I saw the attempted transaction from Noom for $178+ nearly 7 days before my trial period ended. I’m glad I wasn’t charged in the end, but I know I would’ve been screwed because there’s a NO REFUND policy, and it doesn’t take a lot of digging on the internet to see other people who have been stuck with their charges and have no recourse to get their money back.

    However, cancelling the trial period was no easy task. When I realised how useless the App is and how scummy their practices are, I requested to cancel. 4 Days went by, no response. So I finally started flooding the messenger tool in the App with very abusive “CANCEL THIS *E#*$#*$#&*!&!* TRIAL PERIOD NOW” messages, repeatedly, and within another 12 hours it was cancelled. They. Do. Not. Care. They will prey on the vulnerable, the polite, and the uninformed. Do Not use this product! Use MyFitnessPal or Weight Watchers – significantly better!

    Also, it’s worth mentioning that their App is a pile of crap. It’s nothing more than a bunch of bots generating canned advice. Your “coach” is just a robot. It’s not a person. It’s not Amy or Kate or whatever their name is from NYC with a background in psychology – it’s a robot. Oh, and their trinkets of advice? Just pop-science, much of which has been debunked (like starvation diets, weighing yourself constantly, etc. etc. etc.). The advice they offer isn’t worth $2.

  6. Linda

    This company offers a “free” trial for $1, then says it’s $19 a month. I was charged $129 and they refused to refund it, even though I cancelled it. Complete SCAM, do NOT use this app!!!

  7. Dana

    This company adverstises/ sponsors on my local radio NPR station (Dallas TX). Sounds like a huge scam, tho!

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