Vaticramsote Review – Watch Out For This Online Retailer!

Vaticramsote, hosted at, is a SCAM!

Enticing unsuspecting consumers into their fake marketplace by reflecting astronomical savings off of the majority of their consumer goods is the name of game with Vaticramsote.

These price reductions oftentimes range between 40% to 90% of the “original” value of the merchandise.

As you will learn throughout the duration of this unbiased review, Vaticramsote is a bona-fide scam that needs to be put down quickly.

To find out more we invite you to continue reading our honest review.

About Vaticramsote

Vaticramsote is structured as a legitimate appearing online retailer.

Right off the bat when you visit, you will notice that the site has a crisp interface while half a page scroll will lead you to some of their “hot” sellers reflecting drastic price reductions.

The Vaticramsote scam is not a complex one.

Simply, Vaticramsote claims that they offer a wide range of consumer goods and products that each reflect specific online savings.

These price reductions as we hinted at earlier can range between 40% to 90% of what Vaticramsote claims to be the original retail value.

Unfortunately, Vaticramsote understands that most consumers shop online with the aim of saving money.

By pretending to render ridiculously good savings and a wide range of consumer goods, Vaticramsote has already laid their trap.

All it comes down to next would be for the consumer to purchase goods through their site without doing their due diligence.

Oftentimes we have found that consumers feel comfortable shopping with unverified entities as long as the site reflects a clean and sleek interface, which is NOT at all difficult to accomplish.

What most consumers forget to do until it is too late would be to research the About Us information but more importantly the information disclosed in the sites Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Oftentimes scam sites such as will cut corners and claim to be backed by a corporation only to be later discovered that it was a fictitious company disclosed.

In the matter of Vaticramsote, we are confronted with this often concluded predicament.

Who is Behind Vaticramsote?

Vaticramsote does not disclose verifiable ownership information on their site.

When browsing through their Terms and Conditions, we found reference to Quite Lavender.

No corporation attachments such as LLC or LTD were disclosed so all we have is the entity ‘Quite Lavender.’

When researching Quite Lavender across a multitude of business registrars, we were unable to come up with any definitive results.

Additionally, search queries conducted across Google came up negative.

Given the lack of identifying information submitted from Vaticramsote and the inability to verify Quite Lavender as legitimate, we believe this to be a fictitious entity.

Supported Consumer Goods

Vaticramsote supports consumers goods that can be found at reputable retailers like Walmart, Amazon or Target.

The category of assets currently supported at Vaticramsote would be as followed: Woman clothing, dresses, accessories, gadgets, smart kitchen goods, outdoor and indoor products, and much more.

Red Flags & Question Marks

Vaticramsote does not disclose verifiable ownership information.

Consider the possibility that if you were to encounter any issues (which there is a strong likelihood of) that you would be powerless in tracking down your loss finances since the creators behind this scam are blatantly concealing their identity from consumers.

Let’s not forget how Vaticramsote fails to share any contact information, apart from the email address (

The question you should be asking yourself would be why an online retailer, that appears legit, is failing to disclose any contact or ownership information?

The answer is simple, it would be because they are NOT legit.

What To Do If Scammed

If you have been scammed by Vaticramsote, you should contact your financial institution immediately and plead your case and request a chargeback.

In addition, consumers should consider getting a new credit card to prevent any unwarranted transactions.

To escalate matters further, you could always contact local authorities as well.

Domain Insight was a privately acquired domain that was registered under 2 weeks ago on December 4th, 2018 through the GoDaddy registrar.

Due to their recent inception and lack of popularity, Vaticramsote does not reflect any web rankings across market intelligence sites such as SimilarWeb.

Is Trustworthy? is not a trustworthy online retailer.

Failing to disclose verifiable ownership information while reflecting many of the characteristics exhibited by many fictitious online retailers, we are not advising our readers to trust the suspicious online retailer. Review Conclusion

Vaticramsote is another fake online retailer whose objective would be to deceive consumers out of their hard-earned money.

Blatantly concealing their ownership and any identifying information, it is obvious that the scammers behind this site wish to remain anonymous.

Given the information disclosed above along with the utter lack of transparency regarding Vaticramsote, we do not advise consumers to shop with

Outcome: Vaticramsote is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site:

We invite you to share your experiences, insight and feedback below!


  1. Richelle Lynn Roth

    They are now operating under the new name Gift Her Shoes and scamming individuals through that website. My account was charged for a purchase I never made. File a claim with your local Attorney General and online with the Federal Trade Commission. Also, the site is sponsored through Spotify and consumers can make a claim with them as well.

  2. Paulette Brown

    I ordered a camera for outside. 2 parts missing the screen and USB cable.

  3. Michele Parker

    I ordered a hot tub and received a $5.00 watch. I tried to email them and the email came back undeliverable. I am disputing the charge with my credit card company as we speak.

    • Helen

      Same here. Good luck with the dispute. I contacted my bank and was told basically bad luck, because I authorised the payment, it is not up to them to chase it up. Lesson learned. Always use PayPal, these people don’t accept PayPal for that reason.

    • Sharon

      I had the same. Ordered a hot tub and got a $5 watch @🤔🙄

  4. Daryl Cook

    yep, I ordered 2 different items from them… an overbed table and a ladder for a total of $130 but didn’t receive anything… It’s been about 3 weeks but I just noticed it as I purchased a good amount of items online during December and wasn’t on top of following everything closely I guess… Lesson learned for the future to check the company name before ordering anything…

  5. Helen

    Scammed alright. No refund from my bank as I authored the payment. Maybe contact the police they told me. Well, well lesson learnt.

  6. Oz hayo levi

    I want to get an answer when the shipping I ordered will arrive and if it arrives

  7. Saleem

    I ordered a Compact Workbench Sawhorse and sent me a Firewire. they stole $50.00

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