Wing Insurance Review

Wing Insurance ( is quite a peculiar operation that allegedly operates as a global brokers insurance network. Composed of a select panel of independent insurance brokerages, the alleged mission set forth according to their domain would be to provide a multitude of supported insurances to corporate entities or less commonly, individuals. Claiming to employ over 10,500 employees in over 500 offices worldwide while generating an annual turnover of €9.5 billion, it is a miraculous wonder how Wing Insurance possesses such little virtual presence.

As you begin to work your way through this unbiased review, you will learn not only more about the operations conducted at Wing Insurance but also whether or not this operation can be trusted. Operating almost identical to advance fee scams while gathering consumers personal and financial information through unverified channels is shady business, even for such a pristine operation as Wing Insurance.

About Wing Insurance

Wing Insurance, abbreviated for Worldwide Insurance Network Group, claims their operation to be a select panel of independent insurance brokers providing a co-ordinated, integrated insurance and risk management solution for businesses who operate on the global stage. Composed of 73 members located in 55 countries with 582 offices, we find it rather suspicious that this operation fails to reflect a strong online presence.

Furthermore, allegedly producing a turnover of €9.5 billion per year with a foundation of over 1 million customers worldwide would amount to some impressive reputability and surely some consumer feedback. However, no feedback or reviews can be found anywhere on the web regarding this global operation. Allegedly operating as a legal entity registered in Switzerland as a verein (association), we found no evidence to support this claim among Switzerland registries.

WING Insurance is counseled by a small group of 5 board members. Matttias Bolander is Chairman of WING and has been the allegedly board director since 2011. In addition, is also appears to the CEO of his own firm, Bolander & Co. Vice-Chairman is Alda Dhingra, who is the alleged co-founder of the Delhi branch of Prudent Insurance Brokers. Other board members include Carlos Garcia Crosa, Fabrice de Waal and Christina Holzinger. All board members appear to be legitimate entities.

Wing Insurance Consumer Offer

According to the Become a Member page at Wing Insurance, “the purpose of WING is to facilitate and develop the insurance brokerage activities of its Members and Affiliated Members and to enable them to provide their mutual clients and prospects with comprehensive and responsive service by a non-bureaucratic global network which has an interactive exchange of market know-how.” Essentially meaning that Wing Insurance is functioning as a connective outlet to provide their members clients with their insurance services.

In order to become a member, applicants must complete the WING application form and return it with a copy of their current PI/E&O insurance certificate to The completed application will then be discussed at the next board meeting, which usually takes place every 3 to 4 months where their will respond with their decision afterward.

If approved, the applicant will receive an invite to attend the next WING conference. Annual WING memberships are currently priced at an annual rate of €1,500 (plus any bank transfer fees) which will cover the attendance cost for one assembly per year (minus hotel accommodations). Members wishing to visit more than 1 assembly in the same year will be charged €500, not including hotel costs.

Community Feedback

First brought to our attention by one of our subscribers, Wing Insurance approached our subscriber out-of-the-blue with an offer claiming to recover loss funds from a scam brokerage for a minimum 15% upfront payment of the to be recovered funds. What we found interesting though would be how our subscriber was contacted previously by other “insurance” and “asset recovery firms” like Secured Trade Investments, which was already exposed as an advance fee scam.

According to the provided feedback, our subscriber was contacted by Michael Cunnington at WING Insurance (Worldwide Insurance Network 623 5th Ave NY NY 10022), who claimed there was a class action taking place in the UK in February to recover loss funds. Apart from being requested to pay an upfront 15% fee for recovered funds, the disclosed office address provided by Michael Cunnington is not a valid physical address and fails to match any disclosed office address shared at

Question Marks and Red Flags

Wing Insurance operates as a global insurance network that connects insurance providers from all areas of the globe. While this should be the extent of their operation, what we fail to understand would be how this operation is acquiring non-interested consumers personal and financial information and operating like an asset recovery firm that requires upfront payments to “recover” funds. This sort of illicit business conduct is a signature move employed by advance fee scams which is why we urge consumers to tread carefully around WING.

In addition, for a platform that claims to support over 1 million customers worldwide and employs over 10,000 members, surely the site would reflect some sign of respectable traffic inflow instead of failing to acquire hardly any at all. WING also claims to have been existence for over 25 years yet there is little to no information on the internet to support this claim while a WHOIS search will reveal the contrary and reflect that the site was first registered on May 6th, 1999.

Popularity fails to attract a monthly visitor base to allow it to rank amongst market intelligence sites like SimilarWeb. This indicates to us that the site receives virtually no traffic despite their outlandish claims of supporting such as vast quantity of customers and employees.

Can Wing Insurance be Trusted?

Gauging the trustability of Wing Insurance is more difficult than the majority of operations we cross paths with. Consider for a moment how their alleged board members appear to be actual entities that disclose verifiable information regarding their other corporations and it would appear that WING was legit.

However, there are several factors that we cannot overlook such as how WING Insurance does not appear to be an association based in Switzerland, how their site fails to possess a popularity rating or presence anywhere on the internet if it is such an immense operation and why they are operating similar to advanced fee scams that have been on the rise ever since the downfall of the binary options industry. Review – The Verdict

For the time being we are not categorizing Wing Insurance as a scam operation. However, if more information in the future is revealed about this operation or if more troubling consumer feedback is received we will take the necessary measures required to render a more concrete verdict regarding Wing Insurance.

Have you been deceived by Wing Insurance? Please share any feedback or experience you may possess by leaving a comment below!


  1. Julio j

    Señores alguien me puede decir algún abogado para capturar a esta gente.


    Amigos buenas tardes a todos los que nos leen en este foro, imaginesen hoy 29 de julio de 2019, me escribe la señora donna richardson diciendo que yo no culmine el proceso, se imaginan que querian que siguiera dandoles dinero a costillas de que?, muchos descarados, venir ahora a decir eso, esa gente no tiene palabra y son desonestos, tambien me dijo disque nos veremos en los tribunales, le dije ha bueno suerte con eso ahy veremos quien es correcto y quien no, tengo audios, fisicos y de toda clase de documentos en donde se demuestra que dicen una cosa y no la cumplieron pero se evidencia que yo si cumpli, claro una persona correcta como yo, que me toco buscar prestado para todo lo que ellos pedian, que gire y gire hasta que cai en cuenta, son estafadores uy, pero bueno la justicia divina siempre estara presente, eso no se le hace a personas correctas y honestas como yo. ahy vermos caras le dije y suerte, amigos no creean en esta gente, si llegan a cumplir seria lo unico que les queda para que se llegase a confiar y eso, pongan la cara, contesten correos, watssap y llamadas pero nada, porque, haa vaya uno ha saber. ahy nos veremos.

  3. Juan Carlos Guisande

    Buenos días.
    Se han puesto en contacto conmigo los nuevos administradores de WING y me han rebelado toda la supuesta estafa llevada a cabo por los anteriores administradores.
    También me cuenta que intentaran poner una demanda contra los anteriores gestores para que todos los afectados, mas de 130, podamos recuperar nuestro dinero. Si se ponen en contacto con demás afectados no duden en publicarlo. Quizás haciendo un frente común se atiendan antes nuestras reclamaciones y demandas.
    Un saludo.

  4. Alvaro Urueña

    Amigos, yo tambien fui estafado, hay que buscar la manera de cerrar ese sitio, WING insurance, ami me llamaron del HSBC de la linea de servicio al cliente y me confirmaron mis datos que suplantacion tan grave, ya puse en conocimiento a las autoridades de mi pais, hay que capturar a estas personas y quitarles todo para que les duela, esa señora donna richarson, rodolfo eduardo feliz pichardo y elizabeth jose jimenez, estas personas todas son complices, primero te dicen que te van a recuperar tu inversion y luego de tanta informacion te empiezan a pedir dinero, luego mas y mas dinero hasta que te das cuenta que te estan robando, si para reclamar ese dinero atravez de wester union debe haber documentos registrados para atrapar esas personas, espero pronto respuestas a este tema.

    • Juan Carlos Guisande Castro

      Buenos dias.
      Existe un Bufete Internacional de Abogados muy interesado en el caso, el nombre lo omito porque se que estos delincuentes leen esta pagina. Por favor todo el que este en recuperar el capital estafado por esta compañía no duden en ponerse contacto conmigo al correo les facilitare la información respecto al bufete de abogados y como asociarnos para luchar contra esta lacra y gente sin escrúpulos.
      Un saludo.

      • Aurelio

        Me gustaría sumarme a combatir este delito he sido afectado por dos compañías al mismo tiempo. Mi correo es Gracias

  5. Juan Carlos Guisande Castro

    Buenos dias.
    Yo tambien fue estafado por esta empresa a traves del Sr. Steven Martinez y la Srt.Donna Richardson
    Pero tegno un bufete de abogados insternacional que se encargaran de llevar ante la justicia y pagar por todos los delitos cometidos desde estafa, fraude, falsedad documental, suplantacion de identidades, etc.
    Por favor no duden en contactar conmigo.
    Un saludo

  6. mark knutson

    Warning to all ! Do not pay a dime and use all info to put them behind bars !! I see the man who said he was James Provost has gone into hiding and is now using the name of David Buchanan It is the same man scamming every one and is just using a new name !! It is the same phone number he is using ! I PRAY TO SEE THEM PUT BEHIND BARS !!

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