Review – Is it a SCAM?

In a world that’s focused on appearances, dressing to impress is a given. We all try to dress sharply and follow up on trends, but enjoy trying out new styles as well. That this comes with a price, speaks for itself, and that we all try to find ways to save money on our purchases is only logical. If you’re a fashionable but economical person, chances are you’ve crossed paths with sites like, offering trendy clothes at very low prices, worldwide shipping and perpetual discounts, seemingly offering trustworthy customer support. Only, once ordered, it turns out that they don’t live up to any of the expectations. We did a little research on Berrylook, and this is what we discovered.

A quick view at customer testimonials reveals that there’s a few ways in which Berrylook is indeed consistent. Shipping time, for starters, takes a lot longer than indicated, with quite a few shoppers waiting for over a month to receive their orders. Secondly, items received often don’t quite match the pictures and descriptions that come with the articles, or are simply delivered in the wrong colour. One customer repeatedly got sent the wrong dress. When items are delivered as expected, they often lack in quality. Multiple Berrylook customers received clothes they ‘wouldn’t even wear to a Halloween party’, adding that the clothes looked nothing like what the picture suggested. Many didn’t receive everything they ordered and had paid for or were shipped the wrong items. Another frequently reported complaint was receiving clothes in sizes customers saw fit only for children, even when they had kept the differences in sizing in mind (Berrylook is based in Hong Kong) and had ordered clothes larger than normally necessary.

All of this wouldn’t be unforgivable if it wasn’t for the customer service that follows up these ‘mistakes’, with many a shopper giving up before ever receiving a refund – if that was going to happen in the first place. Ignored emails, rude replies to emails informing customers that they’ll have to pay the return shipments themselves as these are quite costly, and an overall very obscure return policy make this one of those stores you just can’t get any post-purchase assistance from.

There is reason to believe that Berrylook does try to make themselves look better by occasionally posting a very positive comment to the comment section on websites like trustpilot. A few dramatically optimistic five star reviews can be found throughout the section, standing out hugely among the sea of one star ratings.

So what is going on here? We tore ourselves away from the list of horror-stories that was the customer review section and went on to investigate.

A reverse search of the pictures used on the website reveal that almost anything that can be found on Berrylook, can also be found on Aliexpress and a ton of other websites that are probably doing the same thing Berrylook does. They most likely order from Aliexpress and ship directly to their customers, who in turn receive poorly made clothing that often doesn’t even match the pictures that accompanied their intended purchases.

So how do they get away with this? Why do people keep falling for this kind of deceit? It’s all in the pricing. Sites like Berrylook most of the time work with timed discounts, making customers feel pressured to order quickly – otherwise, the item they’re after might be sold out before they ever get to buy it, or the discount ends and they have to pay the full price (often up to twice as much as the discount price shows). On top of the price deductions you find all over the page (and at all times, mind you) they offer additional discounts on first orders as well as for regular customers. Extra Berrylook discount-codes can be found on the internet. This is making shoppers think they’re saving even more money while in fact they’re overpaying for something they could find much cheaper on Aliexpress. In reality, the abundance of seemingly random discounts is just the bait.

On top of that, quite some effort is put into maintaining a positive image, and those efforts include more than the fake customer testimonials mentioned above. The sites offering coupon-codes for Berrylook use blog platforms, both commercial and non-commercial, like “Medium” and “ShareASale” to share reviews praising Berrylook for its trustworthiness and efficiency, even owning up to what they make out to be nothing more than little deficiencies humans are prone to. The blogs go on to praise Berrylook for its low prices and wide range of clothes available.

So is Berrylook a scam? Yes, it (most definitely) sort of is. You don’t pay to receive nothing, that’s true. You might even receive the same number of items you asked for (whether or not they are the items you actually ordered), but they’re not likely to be of any use. Unless you have a very small friend or family member that enjoys wearing table cloth-like clothing. The plastic kind.

Still want to buy something they sell? Do yourself a favour and order it straight from Aliexpress – just search the image Berrylook uses to commend the item you want in google, and pay the price it’s actually worth (or probably still a bit more than that).

Want to rid the world off of this sort of scamming? Order with actual brands that are concerned with what they deliver and pay a bit more – you’re more likely to get decent customer service, and saves you some closet space.

Have you been scammed? File a complaint with us today!


  1. Walid Al-Tiay

    Don’t try to buy from this company
    Don’t try to buy from this company, i bought two dresses for my wife, the two items received with large stains and bad smells, nothing looks like photos, they are a second factory items that can’t be sale anywhere. Definitely will apply for the dispute process with PayPal and happy to send back the items to sender, so be careful and don’t deal with this company.

  2. Krystyna

    Berrylook are ordinary thieves and scammers. Never order anything. And they write on Facebook with respect for the customer is their priority. Brazen pigs.

    • Geraldine

      Do not order from this company.Sizes are wrong.Do not fit the size that is marked.They ship from China.Quality of clothing is real junk.It takes a month to Recieve items.A real pain to return items and get a refund.I just gave the clothing away for free.Will never deal with this company again.Please do not order from them. Fabrics are really cheap.

  3. Yvette W

    I got caught as well, purchased 2 orders of over 300 and close to $200 because the clothes looked so great. i got the large order and nothing fits, although i used the size chart and sized up 2x in some instances. the sizes are for little children. it is a big scam. i have all these clothes and another set on the way and cant communicate with the Berrylook company. i will call PayPal and see if there is anything that can be done. The material is so thin and inferior, you can hold a balled up sweater in the palm of your hand. its nothing like what you see online.

    • Margaret Shirley-Myers

      Good luck with PayPal. You talk to a computer. Also, Berrylook merchandise is very poor quality and nothing fits plus no communication from them at all. I never received my shoes in my shipment. Stay away! I gave my shipment to a 10 year old girl because a 2X did not fit a grown woman body of 170 lbs.

    • Geraldine

      You are so right.Very poor quality clothing junk.Nothing fits.Do not order from them.

    • chelsea donatella

      The same thing happened to me with berrylook. You have file a dispute with your credit card company. Papal is in it with them to scam you!

      CAVEAT (Buyer beware)!
      CAVEAT (Buyer beware)!
      CAVEAT (Buyer beware)!
      You will be scammed! They are in it together!
      Poor customer service. False advertising. Paypal is enabling companies to scam consumers who use them as a payment method. I just spoke to a rep who identified himself as a manager Jay Reyes in the Philippines. He refused to investigate the company stating that because I am disputing the charges with my bank paypal will not investigate. He also stated that since I filed a dispute with my credit card company paypal’s buyer protection is not valid.
      This company allows their employees to identify themselves as managers and supervisors when they clearly are not (as evident by their poor customer relation skills.
      I am being scammed by paypal and Berrylook who is listed on the paypal receipt as Orderplus International Limited and or Xi’an Orderplus Network Technology Co., Ltd. . A class action lawsuit should be initiated to prevent this from continuing. This is consumer fraud.
      TURE RATING= 0 stars

  4. P. Austen

    Two months after I ordered one blouse, it came in a wet mailing bag. I opened to find the blouse wadded into a small ball in a ziplock bag full of water. One month after I ordered the blouse, I had made a complaint because they hadn’t even mailed it yet. I guess this was their answer to my complaint.

  5. Jane

    It’s CUSTOMER, not COSTUMER. Very unprofessional to post reviews so poorly written and with multiple spelling errors.

    • Admin

      Thanks for the correction. Would you like to write for us?

    • Hanh

      I have feeling same as you. So surprised when receiving their dress, how they can send terrible dress to their customers. Never buy anything from this web

  6. Vivian

    This is a SCAM! Don’t buy anything from Berrylook!!!
    The products are nothing close to the pictures they show you, and they will not respond your complains properly – you have to pay your own shipping if you want to return.
    They don’t take any responsibility for their mistakes – sent smaller size and try to convince me to give as a gift. The quality of the item can hardly be a gift, unfortunately.

    • Sonia

      The products where very low quality materials made. Description did not match reality. Instead natural cotton made they send polistyren/ plastic made clothes which you cant wear in any season. The finish of the clothes is very low quality also. I think children are doing them. I returned some products with bad quality and they did not pick up back delivery for few months from April 2019 till August 2019. The company have got serious problem with recognising bad code of work practice. Prices are not relevant to quality. Generally they are cheating clients and no respect for clients. I do not recomend this company to buy any products.

      • Ava Olsen

        They should be sued. I only received the part of my order and they are not wearable. It is preposterous to let them get away from cheating and thieving…

  7. LeeAnn vanhoose

    Honestly all I have read here are over privileged westerner’s who probably pay 6 dollars for a cup of coffee, but the thought of getting something for free put their GREED into overdrive and fall victim to a scam that the saying “if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is” . Then of course not wanting to accept responsibility and blaming Google and Facebook for their own stupidity. You probably did more research looking for a non-bruised apple then giving this company your 50 dollars over a few cents for the apple to the Walmarts of this worl

    • Michele

      Can someone please tell me, why on earth is BERRYLOOK STILL DOING BUSINESS?!?! Can’t we do SOMETHING about shutting them down?!?! I’ve been a victim of there on line BS & SCAM & I’ve seen multiple multiple comments about them!! PLEASE if there’s a way to do it, can someone let me know & I’ll be more than happy to start it going!! Michele

      • Judy

        The best way is to solicit PayPal to stop servicing them.
        Had PayPal not been an option, I wouldn’t be sitting here with 70.00 worth of useless dresses that will be donated to Goodwill…if they’ll have them.

        • maya ranselaar

          I used them and PayPal also dose PayPal reimburse you?? how do I do that?

      • Hanh

        I have feeling same as you. So surprised when receiving their dress, how they can send terrible dress to their customers. Never buy anything from this web

      • Sonia

        I think this same . That company should be shut down as there is no any respect for foreign customers. They think that chineese people are more clever than other nationalities. they are simply practicing stealing money from honest people. the company is not worth to talk with and shoul not exist any more on a market.

    • Toni

      No, what we’re looking for is to get what we’re paying for, what’s advertised instead of ordering what you think is a women’s medium but once you receive it, it fits a toddler. No thanks…shop somewhere else

    • Kflash

      WOW…….. Judge much? And what’s wrong with Walmart? You’re the one who sounds over-privileged.

    • CM

      Your comment contributes nothing to this conversation. Assuming people who commented are “over privileged westerners” & pay $6 for a cup of coffee is just your unbalanced opinion, an assumption. I haven’t ordered from this company or any like it because I visit review sites and read up on it before hand & rely on reviews like from people here. I don’t order from any company who does not show to be credible. Without knowing anyone personally here, the only 3 things I can assume about those who have been ripped off is that they might not have read reviews first and trusted that a credible company like PayPal would not continue to do business with so called companies who continue to scam their customers & that no one really cares what LeeAnn has to say. You judge them for greed and not the thieves and scammers greed. That tells people a lot more about you. I’m sure after this experience most everyone will now do their homework & I certainly appreciate those who took the time to warn others not to purchase from this company. I also hope you continue to fight for your money back, post to multiple sites & demand PayPal to rescind any relationships with con artists like this. I wish you the best of luck with that as well!

    • Katie Beecher

      You are an idiot. Who are you to judge any of these people? No one making these complaints against a company who is scamming people is trying to not take responsibility. It is the company’s fault.

    • C. Donatella

      Nothing is wrong with being privileged! Does privilege give thieves the right to scam someone? Do you work at berrylook? Did you buy anything for others during Christmas? Do you know what it means to shop for a bargain? Do you volunteer your time and services at free clinics on top of a 50 to 60 hour work week? I spend my Saturdays giving back to my community no matter how many hours I spend during the week at the hospital or clinic (surgery)! At times I travel almost two hours to help people in need, for free. So because I work hard and make a living should I be scammed because I think I am getting a bargain? Do you endorse false advertisement?
      BTW (since you ASSume and care what is being spent for coffee) I spend $5.62 for my frappe daily and usually buy everyone in my office their favorite morning drink on a daily basis ( will continue to do so no matter what they charge me as long as I get what I pay for!) At times I buy my frappe three times in one day ( can you imagine that?!?) I also shop at Walmart as well as Neiman Marcus, Dillards, Macy’s or where ever with the expectation of spending my money and receiving the goods I pay for! Don’t you?

      It is an honor and also a privilege for me to give back to my community by helping the underserved who suffer great disparities, even after a long workweek; therefore, I do not have the time most days to actually go to a mall. These companies prey on people who do not have enough time on their hands, as you seem to. Are you one of those people?

      Don’t support those crooks and bash people who have been taken advantage of.

  8. Laurana

    PLEASE DO NOT ORDER FROM BERRYLOOK that are DEFINITELY a SCAM!!! Been waiting for my order for weeks and still have not receive it!!! This company is making a fool out of customers around the world

    • Margaret Shirley-Myers

      I just did! What can I do about it.

      • Margaret Shirley-Myers

        Thank you for responding so quickly! I did try contacting Berrylook. But I never was sent a code to cancel my order. I did use payday account but they system is down until Monday. I am hoping I am notified by the vendor.


        • Geri

          I’ve been to hell and back with Teacalgary, if ever there was a scam company this one fits the bill. Because I authorized the order it was out of their hands, yet, I CANCELLED within the time alloted and the return policy guarantees monies back…hello! I was offered a $5.00 coupon and to give the shoes to family or friends “they like our product very much” . The upshot of my story, I had my bank stop the money and I’m a much wiser shopper! Never again!!

      • Michele

        Adding to this…I called my bank and filed a claim then went on and posted what happened to me and I received a comment from Berrylook apologizing. Then I received my funds back! Thank God! Then never will I order from anyone on-line again especially if it’s a no name company that I’ve never heard of. You just CAN’T TRUST on line shopping anymore as this is sad and unfortunate as this is our world that we live in today!!!! 🙁

        • Ava

          How did you make them refund you? I emailed them twice since yesterday(Sep 3, 19) and heard nothing back…

    • Yvette Williams

      Laurana, your order when or if it arrives will not make you feel any better. call now and cancel it or you will receive clothes that fit in a small plastic bag the lowest quality and can only fit small children. i’m in the process of trying to return the whole package and there is no credible address to return to. It is a scam.

    • chelsea donatella

      We need to start a class action lawsuit…
      We need to start a class action lawsuit against paypal. They are the enabler of scammers! if we can not get to the oversea scammers we can get to paypal. They enable illegal activities and bait and swap merchants; lets get together and sue them for our money then have them shut down. Do not use second payor source sites. Its better to use your credit card and deal with your credit card company.

      Paypal employees do not treat people with respect. The people they have working there have Zer0 customer service skills. They obviously do not need any type of intelligence to work there. That is why the service is so poor and people are being scammed. They hire people who lack integrity to help scam others. They are thieves!

  9. Karen Odum

    I ordered some items in May, they took the money out of my account immediately. Then said due to processing it would take longer to get them. I’m waiting to see if I receive them, read the reviews (after) so I doubt that I will. Will see what happens but I agree that Google should not allow sites like this to advertise on here. They have to know about them.

    • Geri

      I’ve been to hell and back with Teacalgary, if ever there was a scam company this one fits the bill. Because I authorized the order it was out of their hands, yet, I CANCELLED within the time alloted and the return policy guarantees monies back…hello! I was offered a $5.00 coupon and to give the shoes to family or friends “they like our product very much” . The upshot of my story, I had my bank stop the money and I’m a much wiser shopper! Never again!!

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