EliShops Scam Warning – Too Good To Be True?

Welcome to our honest review regarding what is being addressed as the Elishops scam.

Featured at Elishops.com, Elishops operates as a discount online retailer supporting a generous selection of jewelry while providing unverifiable identifying information.

The site provides information revealing that they are based out of China but as many of you know the sheer volume of discount oversea retailers has soared exponentially and with it so have the magnitude of scams in circulation.

The aim of our unbiased review is to arm you with the insight you need to determine for yourself whether you believe EliShops to be a scam or legit.

Why EliShops Is Untrustworthy

  • Ownership Information Cannot Be Verified
  • EliShops Reflects an Abysmal Online Trust Rating
  • Undisclosed Shipping Fees for All Purchases From the US
  • Physical Address Does Not Match Outputted Google Maps Address
  • Site Reflects “Consumer Reviews” from 2018 While Site was Created 11/12/2019
  • Claims To Have Been Dispatching Goods for Over 10 Years Yet Site Was Created in November of 2019

About Elishops ‘Scam’

We have to tip our hat off to the creators behind EliShops, if Elishops is indeed a scam site then they did an excellent job crafting their retail platform to make them appear legitimate.

The site offers a minimally engaging template and provides nearly all the essentials that online shoppers tend to seek out before completing a purchase.

What we found surprising, however, was how Elishops failed to include an About Us page or information regarding how they were founded or their alleged purpose, also referred to as a mission statement.

The site banners and product images stem from Swarovski.com, who they claim to be a partner boutique with although we have yet to confirm this business relationship.

Additional product images can be found on Macys.com, a popular US retailer – so whether Macy’s is also a part-time associate with Swarovski or if the operators behind Elishops is just pulling product images from both sites we cannot be entirely sure.

Among the categories of jewelry supported include earnings, rings, bracelets, figurines, and necklaces.

The products featured support relatively fair or below-average pricing when compared to other online retailers which doesn’t arouse too much suspicion.

However, we did see some red flags when it came to their contact information.

Contacting Elishops

When you search the disclosed physical address below you will notice how Google Maps cannot compute the same address as they disclose on their site, instead, there is a variation in city and zip codes that do not match up.

Email: contact@elishops.com

Phone: +86 17100951308

Entity: Li Rongwei

Address: No. 89, Zhengbian Road, Guancheng District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, 450047 China.

Let’s not forget that none of the contact information shared is verifiable.

The site also features social widgets for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube but when you click on them you are redirected instead to the home page of each social network, EliShops does not reflect any social outlets that we know of to date.

Site Background

A WHOIS report will reveal that EliShops.com was a privately registered site created on November 12th, 2019.

The privacy package used to conceal the registrar’s information reflects a Scottsdale, Arizona address although that implication does not verify whether the site was created by an entity within or outside the US.

Warning Signs & Red Flags

There are plenty of warning signs that materialize into existence when you dig deep enough into the wavering legitimacy of EliShops.com.

Found on their FAQ page underneath the Insurance section they state the following: “We have been dispatching goods for over 10 years,” yet the site was created not even half a year ago and was registered for only 1 year – evidently the operators behind this site don’t plan to stick around for long.

Let’s not forgot how none of the identifying information shared can be verified while according to other online review portals Elishops is not only untrustworthy but reflects a horrible online trust rating.

Additionally, within the sites Terms of Service under 10. Governing Law we are hit the following: These Terms is governed by the laws of US and each party submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of USA, yet the site discloses an overseas address that cannot be fully verified as authentic.

Then there’s the fact that the site reflects comments that were allegedly submitted in 2018 and appear out of chronological date order while the site was created less than 6 months ago in November of 2019.

Is EliShops Scam Trustworthy?

Given the discrepancies we came across when investigating EliShops we do not believe their site to be trustworthy when compared to traditional online retailers.

Elishops Scam Review

Our two cents regarding EliShops would be to avoid them as a whole.

When it comes to the online retail industry, trust has to be earned through transparency and credibility and EliShops fails in both departments.

The site reflects comments dating back from 2018 yet the site was created no more than 6 months ago while none of the identifying information can be verified.

We understand that many of your go-to retailers are out-of-stock or on backorder but we urge consumers not to conduct transactions with unverified online retailers just because they may reflect discounted goods that appeal to you.

Remember, trust has to be earned and EliShops has done nothing to earn that trust.

Outcome: We do not recommend Elishops.

Site in Question: Elishops.com

Please provide any insight, experiences or feedback you may have below!


  1. Bas

    i ordered a lego firstation set for 82.94 from Elishops, paid through paypal thinking that was secure transaction. the paypal dispute was denied. I find out now the website Elishops.com was a scam website. Paypal should be responsible for setting up their account and transfering money to them.

  2. Mr k

    After reading all the comments…
    Yes I got scam also, fake # and info

  3. Julie

    I was scammed for $99. I tried contacting Paypal with no luck, as they are closed due to COVID. Then I filed dispute with my bank, who issued the credit card I used to pay via PAYPA 7 days ago, so far no progress.

  4. Monica

    I was scammed for $57. Paypal closed my dispute and I am not able to contact them due to COVID. Did anyone get their money back? How? Weight on the tracking info is also incorrect for the item I purchased. Elishops used a fake tracking.

    • Brandi

      Do you just dispute with your bank or what? I mean, shame on me for thinking it was legit….i guess. Hate that I’m out $54 and suppose it could have been worse. 🤦‍♀️

  5. Brandi

    I was recently scammed as well. I’m out $54. I have filed a dispute with Payapal and UPS but haven’t gotten anywhere. I don’t see that i will get my money back. I’m looking into disputing the charge with my bank….not sure that will do anything either. How can this site/person/people get away with this!?!

  6. Kathy

    I bought a puppet theater from Elishops.com. I never received it but my credit card was charged. Elishops doesn’t reply to emails. The Paypal link shows a UPS tracking number ship date of 4/10/20 and a delivery date of 4/8/20. The Elishops.com website has a disclaimer that all disputes with UPS delivery are not covered by Elishops and must be pursued with UPS. What a scam.

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